New Pupil

The school shop is based on the senior site and offers a fitting service for all new pupils. We provide all uniform, sports kit and a small amount of sport equipment for all year groups.

Our Summer Fittings run from July - September for all new pupils, booking these appointments can be obtained through our online booking system. The link will be available for booking from 6th May 2025.

For families who have more than one child starting at the School the Shop staff will contact you to make a double appointment at a mutually convenient time.



A reminder text/email will be sent automatically to you 24hrs prior to your appointment. There are approximately 230 new pupil fittings to manage over July and August and therefore we would really appreciate your assistance in notifying us if you are unable to make your time slot. Please notify the School Shop as soon as possible so that the appointment can be released and an alternative appointment can be arranged for you.  If any of the above guidelines pose a problem to parents and pupils, then please do contact the School Shop to discuss your requirement.



For overseas pupils starting in the Michaelmas term, appointments are reserved for the end of August / beginning of September. Please phone +44 (0)1483 542102 or email to book an appointment.


The School Shop is here to help guide you through this experience and make it as enjoyable and welcoming as we can. A large number of emails and telephone messages are received during the fitting season so please bear with the Shop staff and they will reply as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation with the above and look forward to seeing you soon